I consider learning how to make biscotti one of my earliest accomplishments from starting this blog. I'm a big fan and used to buy them all the time from the supermarket and order them at coffee shops. When I tried making them at home and realized it was actually easy (and far tastier than the ones you buy), I was thrilled!
So ever since then, I bake biscotti pretty regularly. It's just one of those lighter treats I like to make, to have something crunchy around the house to munch on. My sister loves it too and I like to make some to share with her if she's around. We both love our biscotti super crunchy (unlike my husband who is definitely more a dunker and a soft-cookie lover in general). So when I make biscotti, I go with traditional recipes that do not call for butter. We just prefer them super dry and with plenty of nuts.
This time, I made a very simple, plain hazelnut biscotti. It's a recipe from Alice Medrich that I found in Baking with Julia. We recently went to Washington, D.C. during Spring Break and I got a chance to peek into Julia Child's kitchen at one of the Smithsonian museums. That inspired me to check out some of Julia's cookbooks from the library and this recipe caught my attention because unlike other recipes I've made where I start the process with the standmixer, this can be done by hand, very quickly and simply. I call it "two-bowl biscotti" because it's very much like a muffin recipe where you mix the dry ingredients into the wet and you're halfway there.
Not everyone in my extended family is a big dessert lover but I find that biscotti works for those who prefer something less decadent. I like serving it with coffee after dinner, like we did this past Saturday night. But I rarely serve biscotti alone - that night, some homemade mint gelato (and lemon sorbet) joined us at the table too. It's always nice to have options, right?
Here's to crunchy foods and homemade meals shared with good company!