June is always a busy month around here, with my son's birthday, Father's Day, and the buzz and activities surrounding the end of the school year falling on this special month. This year, my son turned 14...
...and he graduated from middle school!
These last 3 years have flown by! You realize time will go fast going in but it still surprises you. And it's incredible how much change and growth has taken place during that time. The kids have worked hard and my husband and I are so particularly proud of our kiddo, who is rapidly growing up before our eyes!
So we've been pretty busy celebrating around here! We don't want to stop but exhaustion is starting to seep in and we'll take the summer break as a time to chill and relax before gearing up for High School! There's plenty of excitement (and hopefully, celebrations) on the horizon.
And speaking of celebrations, I sit here typing on the first day of summer. Rain is coming down (yet again) but sunshine is expected this afternoon and the entire weekend. It makes me think of upcoming July 4th and what kind of treats we might want to have then. When it's summertime, I always think ice cream so I'm recommending a batch of ice cream tacos!
I recently made these for Memorial Day weekend and they went down a treat. The homemade shells (which are like ice cream cones in the shape of taco shells) can be filled with any flavor ice cream you like; I went with vanilla chocolate chip as well as pistachio ice cream. Topped with some homemade chocolate magic shell and sprinkled with sprinkles or nuts, they are fun to look at and delicious to eat. The ice cream tacos are festive and celebratory, and I'm all for celebrating as much as possible (particularly, with ice cream)!